Transfer money

Easily transfer money between your accounts or to someone else in Internet Banking.


Internal Transfers

  • How do I transfer money between my accounts?
    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Transfer Money
    4. Choose the accounts you want to transfer from and to
    5. Select the Amount
    6. Select When and complete the payment

    Please note that you can’t transfer out of home loans that don’t offer redraw, nor can you transfer between credit card accounts.

  • Can I schedule a transfer to occur at a later or recurring date?

    Yes. You can schedule a transfer between your accounts. You should ensure that you have sufficient funds available throughout the day to satisfy the payment. 

    You can also set up regular payments weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly.

  • What's the maximum amount I can transfer between my accounts?

    There is no maximum daily limit for transfers between accounts that are linked. Any amount may be transferred up to the available account balance or credit facility.

External Transfers

There are 3 ways to pay with a Haven Summit Credit Union account.

Money Transfer

Standard Transfer

Pay anyone within 3 business days.



Pay anyone in near real-time



Pay bills with BPAY.

  • What is a Standard Transfer?

    It’s a simple way to send money to an external account within Australia. It’s sometimes called a ‘pay anyone transfer’. Transfers between banks can take up to 3 business days depending on when the transfer is made - it can take longer when transfers are made late in the day, on weekends and public holidays.

  • What is an Osko transfer?

    Osko is an innovative payment service, built on the New Payments Platform. It allows you to: 

    • Real-time, 24/7 payments: Pay others and receive payments in near real-time and is available all day, everyday across over 50 participating financial institutions - and more to come.
    • Flexible Payments: Use a registered PayID (mobile number, email address or ABN) or you can still use a BSB and Account Number.
    • More Info: Include more information to accurately describe your payment. You can use 280 characters of text to describe who’s getting paid and why.
    • Secure: Backed by BPAY and Haven Summit Credit Union.
  • What is BPAY?

    BPAY is an easy and secure way to pay your bills with one payment method. You can choose when, how much and from which account to pay from. For more information, visit our BPAY page.

Pay Someone

  • How do I make an external transfer?
    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Transfer Money
    4. Select From account
    5. For existing payees
      •  Select Existing Payee and choose from your list of saved payees.
    6. For new payees
      • Select New Payee and;
      • Select either - Financial Account, Email address, Phone Number, ABN or Organisation ID
      • If you select Financial Account, enter the payee’s BSB Number, Account Number and Account Name.
      • If you select PayID, enter either one of the following payee’s details: their email, phone, ABN or Organisation ID. If you have keyed in a valid PayID, a PayID logo will be displayed alongside their chosen PayID name. If this is the person you want to pay, click proceed.
    7. Enter Amount
    8. Select When and complete the payment
  • Can I schedule an external transfer for a later or recurring date?

    Yes. You can also set up regular payments weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly.

    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Transfer Money
    4. Select New or Existing Payee
    5. Enter the Amount
    6. Select When and choose Once On or Recurring
    7. Next and schedule the payment

    You should ensure that you have sufficient funds available throughout the day to satisfy the payment. 

  • When does the money for a payment come out of my account?

    We will withdraw funds from your account on the date the payment is requested. If the payment is scheduled for immediate payment, funds will be withdrawn immediately. If you have scheduled the payment, funds will not be withdrawn until that date. If there are available funds in your account on the date specified for the payment, the payment will be processed between 9:30am and 4:45pm Melbourne time.

  • How long will it take for the money to reach the external account?
    • With a Standard Transfer it can take up to 3 business days depending on when the transfer is made - it can take longer when transfers are made late in the day, on weekends and public holidays.
    • With Osko, you can use a PayID to make payments and the money will be there in near real-time and is available all day, everyday.
  • What are the cut off times for external transfers?
    • For Standard Transfers the cut off time is 4:45pm Melbourne time.
    • With Osko there is no cut off time, you can use a PayID to make payments and the money will be there in near real-time and is available all day, everyday.
  • Can external transfers be made to other Haven Summit Credit Union Members?

    Yes. You’ll be required to enter the BSB Number 704-191, Account Number and Account Name.

    Ensure the surname is correct, this will be recognised as another Haven Summit Credit Union account and the transfer will be processed instantly.

  • Can I use the POLi Payment online payment option when purchasing goods or services online?

    No. We do not support the use of 3rd party applications such as POLi.

Transfer Limits

Add Payees, Schedule and Stop Transfers

  • How do I add a new Payee?

    You can either add a new payee when making an external transfer or via the payee address book.

    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Payee Address Book
    4. Select Add NPP Payee or Add External Transfer Payee
    5. Enter the Payee details
    6. Select Get SMS and enter a valid SMS one time password
    7. Select Update
  • Can I view, edit or delete a Payee account I have set up?

    Yes, you can view, edit or delete a payee via the Payee Address Book in Internet Banking.

    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Payee Address Book
    4. Select Change You can edit the following details:
      • Nickname
      • Transfer method
      • Reference
      • Message to payee
    5. Or select Delete
  • How do I edit a scheduled transfer?
    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Future Payments
    4. Select Change, you can edit the following details:
      • Amount
      • Once On date
      • Frequency
      • End date
      • Reference
      • Message to payee
    5. Select Next to confirm the alteration
  • How do I stop or cancel a scheduled transfer?

    You can stop or cancel a transfer at any time up until the date it’s scheduled to take place. To do this, simply:

    1. Login to Internet Banking
    2. Select Transfers
    3. Select Future Payments
    4. Select Delete
    5. Confirm and select Delete
  • What can I do if I transfer to the wrong person?

    If you have made a mistaken payment, you should contact us immediately so we can attempt to recover the funds for you.

  • Can I stop a transfer once I have submitted it?

    No, we are unable to stop or cancel a transfer. However, please contact us if this has occurred and we can attempt to recover the funds for you (fees may apply).