Loan repayments calculator
Work out what your minimum loan repayments may be, for any borrowed amount.
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Variable interest rate
Achieve peace of mind and convenience by having access to cash when you need it. Take out an Overdraft facility to ensure you can access cash when your bank account reaches zero. The best part? Automatic activation and no maximum Overdraft limit.
Your overdraft forms part of your Everyday Transaction Account.
There is no maximum Overdraft limit.
Your interest is calculated daily on any outstanding balance and charged monthly in arrears.
Use your Haven Summit Credit Union Visa Debit or ATM Card to access the Overdraft.
Work out what your minimum loan repayments may be, for any borrowed amount.
Find Out MoreTaking out a personal Overdraft facility is a journey you shouldn’t go through alone. Our Lending Specialists are here to guide you through the process.
You will only be required to cover a minimum monthly repayment of 5% of the outstanding balance or $20 (whichever is greatest).
Easily transfer funds anytime to reduce your outstanding balance and reduce the interest you pay.
The Overdraft is typically unsecured, but we do assess on a case-by-case basis.